Messages for February 1998


February 9, 1998:

            Mary said: "What joy it brings to my heart to hear you praising my Son in song and in prayer. I want to thank you all for having responded to my call to prayer, prayer with my daughter, prayer in your homes.

My children, the time for me to be with you is soon coming to an end. But my children, continue to come in prayer with my daughter, and continue to pray in your homes. For it will be now more than ever that your prayers will be needed. My children, your Faith will be tested soon. Never let go of the Faith my Son has given you, for with that Faith and continued prayer and trust, you will all reach Heaven.

Look not to your comforts on Earth, but to your ever lasting joy in Heaven. Love each other, my children, and help each other. You will all need each other in the days to come. Do not be jealous of what others have. And of what you have, share with those who are in need. I can not stress enough, my children, that you must truly love each other as my Son has Loved you. For you will also be judged on this, my children.

I have been with you for a time, and although my messages will soon stop on this Earth, I will continue to live in you as you receive my Son in Holy Communion, for my Son and I are One, as we long for you to all be One with Us and the Father. For all of Heaven has learned to live in this oneness in the Will of the Father.

My children, read the messages that I have given you, and know that Heaven is watching over you. Keep in prayer, my children. Look to the dawning of the New Day, for it will soon be upon you. Live your lives as if each day were your last. Be prepared, my children, each night when you lay your head to rest to be received by my Son in Heaven. For you never know, my children, what tomorrow brings.

Remember, my children, my son, John Paul II, knows many things. Remember the ‘New Springtime’ that he has spoken to you about. And then, my children, follow his instructions to you on what you are to do to be prepared for that New Springtime.

My children, I have given many messages to my little son, Golby. Read those messages, my children, as well, for it tells you of days to come. I know, my children, that there are some of you and many on this Earth, that do not believe that I am here and that are skeptical about the messages.

My little son, John Leary, is a true prophet for these times, as well. He has been given messages by my Son that will help you to prepare for the days ahead. Do not be in fear, my children, but be PREPARED. And be in prayer for, as you TRUST in Our Lord, you will be lead to the New Springtime and you will be joyful, my children.

These times are coming because there must be a purging of all that does not belong to our God. I can not stress enough to you, my children, to not be in fear. As my Son has asked you, DO NOT FEAR. Continue to live in prayer as you have been, pray your Rosaries daily, receive my Son as often as you can in Holy Communion. If you are not able to, make acts of Spiritual Communion. And live in the Love and Peace and joy that only my Son can give you. And we will bring you to the New Springtime the dawning of the New Say. For you have all been chosen, my children. Delight in this. And spread the joy and the Peace and the Love of our Lord Jesus to all whom you see.

Not all are ready to receive the knowledge that you have. Show them by example the Love of Jesus and they will come to you, that you may lead them as you are lead by your Angels.

Praise be Jesus Christ, for at the Name of Jesus, every knee shall bend in Heaven and upon the Earth, for the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, God Almighty, the Lamb of God is worthy to be praised.

Amen, my children, Bless you, my children. I thank you, my children. I love you, my children."

Teresa: I want to go over with you some of the things that I saw. As soon as we started the prayer meeting, Our Blessed Mother was standing beside me with her hand on my shoulder. You know every week, we kind of take it for granted that she's going to come, or Our Lord's going to come and give us messages. And so to tell you the truth we can't do that anymore because I don't know whether she'll be back. Because I thought I heard her say something to me as soon as she put her hand on my shoulder. I thought I heard her say that this would be the last message. But I'm not gonna dwell on that, and she was standing the whole prayer meeting with her hand on my shoulder. And during the Sorrowful Mysteries, I saw Jesus being taken down from the Cross. As we continued to pray, I saw people trying to cross an area that was very muddy and they were in mud up to their waist. I don't know what that means.

Later on I saw a person with a container taking some soup out of a big pot that was outside. I'm just telling you what I see, I don't know what this means. As we continued to pray, I just felt the peace of our Blessed Mother since she was standing right by me. And she knows that the message that she gave tonight is probably the strongest message or may be the message with the most information. That some of you may or may not want to accept. But she wants you to truly read the messages that she's given here, especially Father Golby's messages, and John Leary's, because one says something is going to happen, and the other one says how to prepare some of the things you need to do spiritually and then physically, as well.

She wants us all to be loving to each other, to really love each other and not be jealous, to not be the kind of person that keeps things and hoards things for themselves and others may need, open your hearts. She wants us to all work to together to be prepared for when it's time. The Lord in Heaven or the Angels will let us know as we continue to be in prayer. She wants you to have joy, not sorrow, and great Hope. And as she praised Jesus, Jesus was standing before us with His crown as King of Kings and Lord of Lords as she praised Him.


February 16, 1998

            Mary said: "The messages that I gave you this evening, from my precious children that have read those messages, are the ones that I have chosen for you.

My children, I know that many of you have deep sorrows. Offer your sorrows and your pain for all those that do not know my Son, Jesus Christ, that they may come to know Him, that they too may be saved as you will be saved.

My children, look not to the things that the world can offer you. For what does it merit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul? My children, all creation must die. All must die in the flesh that you will live again in the spirit. Pray, my children, that your souls, and the souls of your friends, and your family, and your enemies will be saved. Pray not for the flesh, but for the spirit. For the flesh dies and the spirit continues.

The soul that makes you move your limbs. The soul that allows you to think, that soul lives forever. Look to healing of your soul, my children.

I love you all, my children. Continue in prayer. Continue offering your day. Continue inviting my Son to be with you in all you do and say and think.

Be in peace, my children, for your Mother loves you very much. And I have received your roses this evening, as I do each time you gather in prayer."

Teresa: Blessed Mother wasn't going to give a message tonight because the (earlier) messages were what she wanted to say. It wasn't going to be a long message, she told me, it would be short. But she knows that there are some people that are in the prayer meeting that are hurting very much. So she wanted to tell you all that those that are sorrowing and in pain, this sorrow and this pain is a gift that the Lord gives you that you may offer it for all those that do not know Him as she said in Her message, because she says that you are to have joy and sorrow and pain. Also because there is always hope, because of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ there will always be Hope.

You must offer everything that you go through, that all of us go through. We all go through things, sorrows and pains and illnesses. And it's a gift from God, and we offer everything to Him. So through your offering of your sufferings and your pains that you bring other people to Him, other souls. It's so important for us to realize that our souls are the most important, the holiness of our souls. Not what the body can muster, but what the soul can give to the Lord. The purity and the holiness through prayer, and fasting right now is very important so we all need to do some extra prayer and fasting. Joy, peace and love in our hearts. And He'll continue to give that to us if we continue to TRUST in Him, if we just receive what He gives us. And we receive that also through the graces of our Mother, graces our Mother can give us, ALL the graces she can give us.

The one thing that I learned tonight is that when we're praying, do you know that while we're praying that power goes out from God to all of you? And I was wondering for along time what this feeling was that I get when we start praying, what I pray over people, its like something is just pulled out and its the power that goes out from God to you, when we're praying. And He let me know, He revealed that to me tonight that that's what I feel, whenever I pray over you or whenever we're praying and it's just like something, just like this energy keeps going and going, every-which-way, and that's what it is, the power that's going from God to you as you pray and

He's giving you this healing and whatever it is you need. This power goes out from Him, just continues to go out from Him to all of you as you continue to pray. And He has allowed me to feel this and there is no way that a human being can allow this power, this energy to go from them because you'd be dead. It zaps the strength and the energy, it even causes pain. But God has all the power, all the healing within Him. But the power that does go out to you, as you pray, is so awesome.

If He didn't give me that back I think I would just DIE, because it just all goes out. Just know that when you pray that the Lord, that you TOUCH Him. It's like the woman that touched His cloak, you touch the Lord when you pray from your heart. His awesome Healing and Grace and everything that we need, it DOES come from Him and goes to you, because I have felt that and He revealed to me tonight that's what it is.


February 23, 1998

            Mary said: "Praised and blessed be my Son, Jesus Christ. My children, do not be anxious at trying to determine the time when I will no longer be with you. Be joyful that your Mother is coming to you in such a personal way. My children, do not be anxious about the happenings of the world. You see your weather in this area, it's as if Heaven is rewarding you for your prayers.

My children, continue to pray and in this time that we're about to approach, in this season, where my Son will bestow upon you the memories, the happenings of His Passion. My children, be merciful to your brethren as Our Lord has been Merciful to you. And do what you can to offer your sacrifices that they may come to know our Lord as YOU are coming to know Him.

I love you very much , my children. I remind you as I always have to make sure that you pray in your homes, for your homes are sanctified when you pray in your homes with your families. You may have the joys of the beautiful sky, and the beautiful birds, and the green grass, and every good thing that grows upon it, and the animals of the earth. Give thanks for EVERYTHING that our Lord has given to you. Enjoy it, for it was made for you with MUCH Love.

Never forget to thank Our Lord for the little blessings He has bestowed on each one of you, and the graces that you receive when you pray and live my messages. For our Lord and I are with you in a very intimate and personal way as you continue to live the messages that we have given you. For it is for this reason that we come to you, that you may have Life in abundance. Divine Life, my children, and in this way you live a little of Heaven on Earth."

Precious, precious children, I love you so much. And I will remind you one more time be not anxious about the things of this world. Be not anxious about the happenings. As you continue in prayer there is no reason to be anxious or afraid, but have joy in Our Lord, for We are always with you.

Listen to this great mystery, my children, my Son Who is True God and True Man ( tape ran out, had to be changed to other side)... there We are... in adoring Him in the Blessed Sacrament, you honor me, for We are there.

Most wonderful children, your Mother loves being with you every week in this most personal way. And I long to be with you at all times. Continue in prayer, my children, and We, the Lord, Our God, my Son and I, the Holy Spirit, Who is the Power of God, are with you as you TRUST. Place ALL your trust in the Lord.

Be in Peace, my children. We Bless you."

Teresa: We thank you Lord, for our priests, for our Holy Father, our bishops, our cardinals. And we pray for them, Lord, that you keep them close to your Heart.