Messages for October 2000



October 2, 2000 – Feast of the Holy Guardian Angels


Blessed Virgin Mary said, “My children, my Son and I are with you this night joining you in prayer.  The mercy of my Son awaits all my children, all you need do is ask.  Many signs and wonders are being given to all at this time, yet still many choose not to see or hear.  The time is soon when all will know that my Son is the King of all, and He thru His Vicar on earth [Pope John Paul II] will glorify me.  Pray and have joyful hope.


Continue to look to signs of these times, and you will know the hour is coming, and is upon you when the darkness will be dispelled by the Light of my Son.  Therefore children of Light continue in prayerful perseverance [she says to read Ephesians chp 5 regarding this].  I ask you now as never before to follow, the instructions of my holy son Pope John Paul II, for he is leading you into the new spring time.


I continue to cover all my faithful ones with my mantle of love and protection.


Penance, prayer, and Holy Eucharist equal holy children, and eternal life.  The world depends on how you respond at this time.”